Sgt Donald L. Jacobs
Discription: | Information |
Naam / Name: | Donald L Jacobs |
Service nummer / service number: | 32551395 |
Rang / Rank: | Sergeant |
Functie / Function: | Engineer/ tail gunner |
Geboorte datum & Plaats / Birthdate & Place | 02 September 1921 NEW YORK |
Woonplaats / Hometown: | Buffalo, New York, United States |
Leeftijd / Age: | 23 |
Opleiding / Education: | 4 years of high school |
Beroep / Profession: | Retail managers |
Familie / Family: | Walter Jacobs (father) Cleo M Jacobs (mother) Calvin Jacobs (brother) Roger Jacobs (brother) William Jacobs (brother) |
Onderscheidingen / Awards: | Purple Heart ,Air Medal,Good Conduct Medal, American Campaign Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, World War II Victory Medal, Army Air Force Aerial Gunner Badge. |
Begraafplaats / Cemetery: | Woodlawn Cemetery ,Wellsville, Allegany County,New York, USA, plot: O-73 |

Sgt Donald L Jacobs
Sgt Donald L Jacobs enlisted the Army Airforce on 02 Oct 1942